Teaching and other activities


Workshop on “Flood and Migrationfor the masters students (Module: Flood Risk Management II, Module speaker: Prof. Jochen Schanze,  Technische Universität Dresden (TUD), Germany), since WS 2017-18 -

Workshop on “Actors in Flood Risk Managementfor the masters students (Module: Flood Risk Management II, Module speaker: Prof. Jochen Schanze,  Technische Universität Dresden (TUD), Germany), since WS 2017-18 –

Invited lecture on “Community based participatory research” under the Course: ENVS 5100: Methods in Environmental Studies. Course speaker: Prof. Amanda Carrico, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA, on 04 December 2020.

Invited lecture on “City Life, Culture and Spatial Planning in Europe” under the Course: GEOG2330. Course speaker: Dr. Khan R. Rahman, St. Mayers University, Canada, on 09 November 2020.

Invited lecture on “Qualitative Research” for the PhD students of Dresden Leibniz Graduate School (DLGS) is a joint interdisciplinary facility of the Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IOER), and the Technische Universität Dresden (TUD) on 28 August 2020

Invited lecture on “Livelihood Choices and (Non-)Migration” under the Course: Environment and Society. Course speaker: Prof. Lori Hunter, University of Colorado Boulder, USA, on 21 June 2020.

Course on 'Regional Statistics' for masters' student (M.Sc. in Regional Science, Module 3, Module speaker: Prof. Joachim Vogt, Karlsruhe Institute of Technolgy (KIT), Germany), WS 2013-2014

Seminar on 'Qualitative Data Analysis in ATLAS.ti' – for the Post-graduate Student, Department of Political Science of Vanderbilt University, Nashville, USA, 12-15th September 2014

Course on 'Disaster Management and Regional Planning: International Experiences' for the postgraduate Student (Modul 21: Risk, Vulnerability and Catastrophe in the regional Planning, Module speaker: Prof. Joachim Vogt, Karlsruhe Institute of Technolgy (KIT), Germany) from WS 2013-2014 to WS 2015-2016

P.C. Roy 2014

Invited talk

09/10/2020: Understanding Environmental Non-Migration in Bangladesh, at International Webinar on Climate Change and Human Migration, Institute of Disaster Risk Reduction, University College of London (UCL)

23/09/2020: Livelihood choices and non-migration, at International Webinar on “Climate Action in a Time of Uncertainty”, organized by Department of Geography, Assam University Diphu Campus, India

19/06/2020: Why stay despite environmental threats? Taking peoples aspirations and capacities serious, at International Conference on Environmental Non-Migration: Framework, Methods, and Caes, Technische Universität Dresden (TUD), Germany

15/04/2019: Environmental Non-migration: Challenges and Opportunities, at UFZ Leipzig, Germany 

21/01/2019: Environmental Non-migration, at Department of Oceanography at Jadovpur University, Kolkata, India 

16/05/2017 : People at risks and their non-migration, at United Nations, New Work

07/01/2017 : Interplay between cyclone disaster and displacement in southwest coastal Bangladesh, Research presentation for policy formulation, organized by BRAC and Yukta, Bangladesh

03/01/2017 : Disaster and Displacement, Successful Graduate Award Talk, at Urban and Rural Planning Discipline, Khulna University, Bangladesh

16/11/2016 : Cyclone – Migration – Adaptation Nexus in the Social Context of Bangladesh, Seminar Series of International Migration Institute (IMI), University of Oxford, UK

22/09/2016 : Disaster induced Migration and Planning Perspective in Coastal Bangladesh, Guest Lecture Series at Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space (IRS), Berlin, Germany

30/04/2016 : Cyclone, Migration and Adaptation Nexus – Policy perspective of adaptation planning, invited talk at Bangladesh Institute of Planners (BIP), Dhaka, Bangladesh

11/12/2015: Migration-Disaster Nexus in Southwest Bangladesh, invited talk at Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI), Dhaka, Bangladesh.

27/06/2015 : Disaster induced displacement in coastal Bangladesh, participants' lecture at 2015 BEAHRS Environmental Leadership Program at UC Berkeley, USA

30/07/2014 : Emerging issues and challenges in tropical cyclone disaster risk reduction in coastal areas of Bangladesh and China, presented at 2014 Summer Institute for Disaster and Risk Research, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China

14/11/2013 : Societal Dealings with Cyclone – at DAAD Alumni Summer School 2013 "Coping with Disasters & Climate Extremes – Challenges and Cooperation Potentials", Applied University of Cologne, Germany

14/03/2013: Societal Dealings with Disaster – presented in ISEE Guest Lecture Series, Vanderbilt University, USA

25/01/2012: Socio-spatially differentiated vulnerability and politics of cyclone disaster mitigating infrastructural development planning in coastal Bangladesh, presented at Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Leipzig


Associate Editor

SN Social SciencesSN Business and Economics

Journal Article

Area - Journal of Royal Geographical Society; Atmosphere; Climate and Development; Climate; Environment, Development and Sustainability; Environment;

Environmental Hazards; Geosciences; Global Environmental Change; International Journal for Disaster Risk Science; International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction; Journal of Environmental Planning and Management; Journal of Rural Studies; Land; Land Use Policy; Mitigation and Adaptation for Global Change; Natural Hazards; Ocean & Coastal Management; PLOS ONE; Population and Environment; Progress in Disaster Science; Risk Analysis; SAGE Open; SN Business and Economics; SN Social Sciences; Social Sciences; Sustainability; Water

My Schedule

P.C. B. Mallick 2018

Student supervision

PhD students

Graduate students interested in conducting research in my areas of expertise are welcome to contact me via email.

Masters students


Primary Supervisor of Mr. Md. Asif Haider Khan, Chair of Tropical Forestry, Technische Universität Dresden (TUD). Dissertation Topic – “A Socio-ecological System Approach in Mapping Livelihood Dependence on Mangrove Ecosystem of Bangladesh”.

Primary Supervisor of Ms. Florence Apollo, Master in Hydroscience and Engineering, Technische Universität Dresden (TUD). Dissertation Topic – “How floods contribute to staying in Kenya.

Primary Supervisor of Ms. Ana María Sánchez Higuera, Master in Hydroscience and Engineering, Technische Universität Dresden (TUD). Dissertation Topic – “Staying or Migrating in the face of water stress in the agricultural sectors of Colombia.”

Primary Supervisor of Ms. Yu-Chieh Lin, Master in Hydroscience and Engineering, Technische Universität Dresden (TUD). Dissertation Topic – “Modeling and analysing the stakeholders' behaviour under the scenarios of future flood change.”

Co-Supervisor (with Prof. Amanda Carrico) of Ms. Aiden Jorgenson, Master in Environmental Management, University of Colorado Boulder. Dissertation Topic – “Gender and water stress in coastal Bangladesh.”


Primary supervisor of Mr. Idouw Kunlere, UNEP/UNESCO/BMU International Postgraduate Course on Environmental Management for Developing Countries, Technische Universität Dresden (TUD). Dissertation Topic – “Historical, environmental and social perspectives on environmental migration near the shrinking Lake Chad, Nigeria” (2020)

Co-supervisor (with Professor J. Schanze) Mr. Mohammad Abdullah, Erasmus Mundus Masters in Flood Risk Management, Technische Universität Dresden (TUD). Dissertation Topic – “Scenario Approaches in Flood Risk Management - A Systematic Literature Review”. (2019)

Co-supervisor (with Professor Md. N. Ahsan) Mr. Bangkim Biswas,  Masters in Economics, Khulna University. Dissertation Topic – “Residential Satisfaction of Host Communities in the face of Rohingya Influx in Bangladesh ”. (2019)

Primary supervisor of Ms. Afroza Mallick, Master in Department of Disaster Science and Management, Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. Dissertation Topic – “Riverbank Erosion and Non-migration Decisions in the Coastal Bangladesh Island of Bangladesh: A Case Study of Ramdaspur Village of Rajapur Union in Bhola District”. (2019)

Primary supervisor of Ms. Nafisa Nuari Islam, Master in Department of Disaster Science and Management, Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. Dissertation Topic – “Cyclone Shelters and Refugee Decisions in Coastal Bangladesh.” (2019)

Primary supervisor of Ms. Sara Hanan Chowdhury, Master in Department of Disaster Science and Management, Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. Dissertation Topic – “Assessing Socio-Economic Vulnerability Associated Migration Decision of the Coastal People in Bangladesh”. (2019)

Guide of Field Research of the PhD research of Ms Anna C, Carella, PhD candidate, Department of Political Science at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, USA, PhD project: International Affairs of Foreign Aids in Bangladesh (March-May 2014)

Guide of a guest researcher Mr. S.M. Tanvir Hassan, Ph.D. Student of ITC Netherlands,  at Institute of Regional Science (IfR) of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany. Topic: Flood risks management in GBM Delta, (May – August 2013)

Guide of Field Research of the Master's Thesis of Pierre Borghi, Pierre Mendès-France University, Grenoble, France; Thesis topic: Evaluation of Disaster Mitigation Interventions and Its Impact on Coastal Society in Bangladesh (April –August 2010)

Study project

Primary supervisor of Mr. Zamirov, Study project, Institute of Regional Science (IfR), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Topic: "Ziele, Chancen und Risiken von Mikrokreditprogrammen in Entwicklungsländern mit besonderem Fokus auf den Bedingungen in Zentralasien“ (2013)

Primary supervisor of Ms. Apurba Swatee Mahboob, Study project, Institute of Regional Science (IfR), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Topic: “Methoden der Evaluation von Mikrokreditprogrammen und Ergebnisse zu ihrer Wirksamkeit in Bangladesch“, (2012)




Let them stay in their places! - Op-Ed - observerbd.com



Professional Membership

German Society for Asian Studies

Bangladesh Institute of Planners

Khulna University Alumni Association (KUAA)